b'Resources AND INFORMATION DOCUMENTSyour safety we have to stop the game(s) temporarily and evacuate the fields. Please remain calm and move 2024 NSW TOUCH STATE CUP CONDITIONS OFtowards the evacuation point. ENTRYCLICK HEREThe appropriate evacuation process is: This document contains further information on score1.After ground announcement (above), all staff/disputes, finals format, protests and disciplinary processes. volunteers are to provide guidance and assistance to patrons if an evacuation is conducted. IMPORTANT LINKS2.Patrons are to be evacuated to a safe areaclear of All participants are governed by the Membership andproblematic, damaged facilities or objects that could Participation Declaration, Code of Conduct, Mutualcause further harm. Respect Policy, and Social Media Policy. 3.A count of all patrons present should be conducted These policies will be in place for the NSW State Cup. as soon as all are seated and reasonably calm. NSW Touch expects all individuals to abide by the4.Patrons and staff are to remain seated in the policies, which can be viewed below. Upon registeringdesignated area, until Emergency Services have for this event, you acknowledge that you have read andgiven the all clear. understood these terms and conditions as outlined inPLEASE NOTE: The evacuation point is located at the the TFA Membership and Participant Declaration below.Stadium fields and Tuffins Lane. See event precinct map The TFA Code of Conduct applies to all individuals andon page 20. entities involved with TFA. This Code aims to ensure our core values, good reputation and positive behavioursLEGAL GUARDIANSHIP As this event does allow for and attitude are maintained and that everyone involvedpeople under the age of 18 to participate, please in our sport is aware of his or her legal and ethicalensure you take all precautions to ensure minors are rights and responsibilities. This code will be in place atsupervised by a Legal Guardian at all times.this eventMEMBERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION DECLARATIONCODE OF CONDUCTMUTUAL RESPECT POLICYSOCIAL MEDIA POLICY EVACUATION PROCEDURE Prior to an evacuation, the following ground announcement will be made over the PA System: Ladies and Gentlemen, Management has requested that although you are in no immediate danger, for NSWTA SENIOR STATE CUP 2024 | 13'