b'MUTUAL RESPECT POLICYSPECTATORS Referees are instructed to no longer engage with theTo ensure a safe and enjoyable playing environment player, coach, manager or official and will walk awayfor all spectators, players, volunteers and officials, from any possible confrontation reporting the same toNSW Touch has adopted a Zero Tolerance policy for the NSWTA. inappropriate behaviour for any person that attends a The signing of the referees card will only take place byNSW Touch event and does not adhere to the Code of the managers of the teams. In the absence of ManagersConduct. for open/senior teams, the captains will be responsibleThere will be zero tolerance shown towards any for this. Should either try to engage the referees ininappropriate or abusive behaviour from spectators, discussion about the game or decisions in the game, theplayers, volunteers and officials to others at NSW referees will immediately stop those discussions andevents. direct the Manager to the Tournament Control. NOTE: Breaches of the NSW Touch Code of Behaviour Any dispute of the score must be raised in writing atwill be referred to NSW Touch Judiciary Panel. Referrals Tournament Control.may lead to suspension and possible exclusion from the For more information please refer to theevent, or fines for both the individual, the team they are supporting and the affiliate. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 12.4 AND THE MUTUAL RESPECT POLICY ALL ABILITIES All Abilities teams to welcome are - Hills Hornets, Newcastle, Northern Suburbs, Wallsend and Wingham.NSWTA SENIOR STATE CUP 2024 | 25'